Indore: A group of doctors has advocated the need for "sleep screening" of truck drivers to bring down road accidents by at least 43 per…
अगर ट्रक चालक काम के दौरान हर दिन सात से आठ घंटे की नींद लेते हैं, तो सड़क हादसों का खतरा 43 प्रतिशत तक कम…
In today’s fast moving world where IT and service sectors are on the rise, it is not uncommon to see people engaged in employment involving…
Co-existence of COPD and OSA is often no discussed and when they occur together it is termed as Overlap Syndrome. Hypoxia is central in both…
“South East Asian Academy of Sleep Medicine (SEAASM)” is an international society formed in 2013 to cater to the need of developing the field of…
Snoring is a sound that is produced in the night when the air is trying to pass through the blocked passage of the upper airway…